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100 Van Ness Ave, STE 2312, San Francisco, CA 94102

Reach toward your peak instead of a plateau.


Pursue your authentic career path, leveraging your strengths and finding new challenges, while maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Christina WOCinTechChat Unsplash

Turn strengths into standing

Leverage the decade or more of the strengths and knowledge you've built through experience and hard work into tangible assets and solutions that show the true value you bring to any organization.

Bruce Mars Unsplash

Develop options while sustaining momentum

Develop and refine your personal business model to clarify the professional you are today, and create safe-to-fail experiments that help you explore who you might become.  

Austin Distel Unsplash

Renew yourself from purpose to practice

Reach deep down to find the change you want to make in the world, refresh your perspective on what matters most, and build the muscles you need to manifest it.

Launch your next era


report they're able to improve recognition for their overall value during performance and pay reviews 


feel increased confidence of shifting their career to fit their potential without taking unnecessary risks 


consider Integral Productivity as key partner to pursuing the next era of their personal and professional life

Explore how mid-career professionals use Integral Productivity


Executive Effectiveness

Get more done with the confidence that you can take on anything that comes your way, whether you're neurodivergent or neurotypical.

  • Organize and program your calendar, tasks, projects, and reference systems to ensure you have the space and control to get things done with easy access to what you need
  • Define, track, and automate stackable measures of progress, success, and fulfillment
  • Instill triple-loop learning in anything you set out to do
Find out how
Jens Lelie Decision Making

Disintegration & Decision Making

Make more conscious decisions about the principles and expectations you hold for yourself and others so you can explore your authentic leadership without self-judgment.

  • Break down your beliefs and experience to discover and clarify the constructs driving them
  • Identify alternative ways of thinking and living and explore potential trade-offs
  • Assess and decide on what matters most and reintegrate your beliefs into a system of empowerment 
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Resilience & Adaptability Building

Increase your capacity to face challenges, handle stress, and stay grounded across all parts of your life.

  • Map your priorities, imperatives, processes, and areas of focus into adaptive cycles
  • Find grounding and internal stability to improve your adaptive capacity and resilience
  • Organize your key areas of need into a structure that gives you direction and flexibility
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Mandated Mission

Harness the internal forces compelling you to reach your human potential.

  • Identify your lived experiences and personal crises that compose your inherent drive, passion, and perseverance
  • Define and commit to your authentic engagement model in relationship to others
  • Map and see your radiance in your family social circles, communities, organizations, and culture
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Process Development Kaleidico

Personal Product Development

Create tangible knowledge-driven products so you can scale and perpetuate your impact on the world without relying on your direct engagement.

  • Identify your areas of influence and potential scale
  • Create knowledge resources and tools that instill, inspire, and engage others
  • Learn to organize, manage, and scale your toolbox as part of your personal brand
Discover now

Personal Business Modeling

Develop a holistic and expressive model of how you create value for the people around you and the partners and resources that feed your creativity.

  • Reveal the diverse and essential facets that make up your unique being
  • Channel your identities into a unified model of the meaningful impact you create for others and what you need fulfilled to do so
  • Test and practice your model as part of your current job, new opportunities, and business ventures
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It was a great experience working with Focus theme. We highly recommend it! Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia.

New Professional

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. It was a great experience working with Focus theme.

Cole Sullivan

It was a great experience working with Focus theme. We highly recommend it! Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia.

Margaret Fitch, Acme

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