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Actualization Code Tenets

Creating experiences that make living authentically and reaching our potential a reality for everyone

Actualization Tenets Series with Kraig Parkinson

Are you wondering how to make the philosophical actionable? The Actualization Code Tenets Series, by Integral Productivity founder Kraig Parkinson, takes a deep dive into each of the tenets and shares how to bring them to life in your own experience. Each blog post is listed under its tenet.

Actualization Code Tenets History

Most people feel that they are increasingly on their own to satisfy their needs for actualization. Governments are yanking or severely constraining essential benefits that people have come to rely on to survive. Companies are rolling back employee benefits that made work more fulfilling while overcharging customers for goods and services with reduced value. Older generations never attended to their deeper needs openly, so they haven't had the capacity to help the younger generations learn how to fend for themselves. People share their dissatisfaction widely and loudly on the streets and on social media, yet they're still not feeling heard or seen.

But the 99% are also the world's greatest source of hope for civilizational resilience. And yet many governments and businesses, while they say they are citizen- or people-first, are actually people...eventually.

Actualization Code tenets outline a shared set of principles and beliefs on how to build an actualization-based culture that people love and help us all thrive. It's not just about what you actualize, but how you actualize. It's about ensuring everyone can live authentically and fulfill their potential in a dynamic world, helping each other through our differences, and maintaining foresight into our legacy as a civilization.

At Integral Productivity, we believe that by being the architect of your own experience, you will actualize better. This is actualization with a healing and resilient spirit. This is how you find happiness while still having a soul. And this is what it takes to create a culture and civilization that's truly enlightened. 

Our Commitment

We've made our own mistakes over the years when it comes to creating a culture that helps people actualize better. So we're taking our own advice and have graded our performance against Actualization Code tenets. Our promise is that we'll evaluate our decisions and processes against these principles, work tirelessly to improve our score, and report back on our progress. We only actualize when you do, so let's actualize better, together.

Integral Productivitys Actualization Report Card

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Actualization Code Tenets

Bring meaning to every moment, starting now

Listen to your inner "ick" about how your unmet needs and potential affect your experience. Commitment to learning from and acting on these moments. 

Come back soon to read the blog post.

You're the developer of your own program.

You don't have to follow someone else's program. Take ownership of learning the "code" that drives you to build and evolve a program that works for you where you are and where you're going.

Come back soon to read the blog post.

Actualize together, even when it's hard

Self- and collective actualization are inextricable. Fulfilling our own potential is only possible when others can fulfill theirs. Help each other up.

Come back soon to read the blog post.

My actualization is not oppressing you

Every individual has a fundamental right to actualize in their own direction as long as it doesn't oppress or deny anyone their humanity and right to exist.

Come back soon to read the blog post.

Treat me like a human, not a headline

Don't treat anyone, including yourself, as an immutable, immovable monolith. They are dynamic, complex, and deserving of continued wonder.

Always seek new worlds and experiences

Step out of your comfort zone regularly. Find out how your model of the world might need to adapt to thrive in a new environment. 

Celebrate discovery, not just results

New insights are often more generative and lasting than specific results. Pause and savor the potential that new emotions, information, knowledge, and wisdom represent.

Use technology to feed the soul, not to steal from it

Technology has become a pervasive part of our daily lives, often designed to steal our attention for profit over purpose. Learn to use and build technology that creates agency and reinforces intentionality.

Honor belonging to multiple collectives

People connect with others across multiple needs and interests, often in different groups. Honor the unique bonds that each group offers to your and their sense of identity.

Remember and revolt, deliberately and persistently

Equilibrium inhibits your growth potential. Remain critical of stabilizing forces. Drive change collaboratively to manage externalities.

Use accountability to liberate, not oppress

We all make mistakes. Call people in to discover the individual and collective contributing factors. Facilitate repair while honoring everyone's humanity.

Solve for my potential, not your possession

Don't allow your insecurities to inhibit someone else from being their authentic self and exploring their potential. Learn to find your joy in the joy of others.

Find the exits and keep them clear

No space or collective will always be what you need it to be, and you don't need to be in every space. Opt out from spaces when needed, and don't block others either.



She packed her seven versalia her initial into the belt and made herself on the way her home.


She packed her seven versalia her initial into the belt and made herself on the way her home.

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She packed her seven versalia her initial into the belt and made herself on the way her home.

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Want to Learn More?

Actualization Code is educational material aimed at helping collectives — teams, communities, relationships, organizations, companies, families, and more — create a culture that attracts like-minded people, namely, a culture of putting people's actualization first, balancing impacts across time horizons, and doing the right thing for everyone.

Integral Productivity helps individuals and organizations achieve this by offering community, coaching, and consulting. We connect, inspire, and enable people to fulfill their potential authentically while adapting to the world’s ever-changing problems and opportunities. 

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