Let's start something special together

Kraig Headshot
Actualization is only realized when we practice it with others; otherwise it's just fantasy.
Kraig Parkinson, Founder

Register now for a limited time patron membership code

Does your story sound like this? 

I worry that I'll bore my partner when I want to talk about what I'm learning in personal development both conceptually and about myself.


This is the first time someone asked me about my actualization. I thought I was alone. I didn't realize other people thought about this stuff. 


It's been challenging to find peers who can relate to how experiences like divorce, autism, and giftedness are affecting me and my growth.


Having others to talk to is essential for me to learn how others structure their experience and to get a broader range of ideas.


I wish I had safer environments to share my personal and professional growth experiences.


Having a community that supports me is important, but I can't always turn to my family or friends for the things that are weighing on me.


Community and connection are huge to me now. Years ago, I would have said that I didn't need it. I want to meet others who are ready to tackle the existential questions about community, connection, and collective actualization.


Over time, I've become more open to sharing my thoughts and feelings with my partner and a few close friends, but I'm still working on it. 


group of people feeling alone

Our Challenges

Feeling alone

Quite often, your actualization feels like a solitary journey. You probably learned to avoid talking about our pain and challenges and hold it all in. Why? Because you're told "everyone has something going on," and you start to think that your hurt doesn't deserve to be talked about more than anyone else's.

Seeking validation

When you experience a life challenge, it's natural to want to know that your feelings or ponderings are valid. But who can you talk to about the questions and concerns that can get really existential? Therapists are great, but you may not have financial or timely access to one when you need it.  Your friends, family, and coworkers can be tough to approach, too, because sometimes the issue involves them. And public forums like Instagram and Reddit? Forget about it; the trolls will ruin any conversation. Without an empathetic or compersive shoulder, you feel more alone and invalidated. 

Thinking you're doing it wrong

You probably didn't formally learn what actualization was outside of a brief overview of Maslow's Hierarchy. Even if you did, the model itself has its issues. Beyond that, how to do it isn't the kind of thing that's taught in school or common to most communities. The more we look, the more we realize we don't know.

Welcome to the Integrators Community


I've been a devoted learner and practitioner of personal development since I was a child, but that experience has felt very lonely for most of my life. I've found it difficult to share my journey and find others ready to be vulnerable in their own right. I've also spent much time trying to read all the books and resources I can on how people grow that I can apply to myself, but it's been tough to find people in this space that I can trust to help me who isn't overly religious or trying to sell me something.

Along my journey, I discovered a few things that helped me start to overcome these issues. One was realizing that the more often I took brave steps to share myself authentically, the more I attracted friends, colleagues, and other relationships that really jived with me. Through my own searching and the support of my new friends, I also discovered edge-of-culture communities that showed me how to create safe and brave spaces to express ourselves and learn more. The more I witnessed and engaged, the better the community cared for me, and the better I learned to care for the community.  

I created the Integrators Community because I wanted to have a shared place where people could explore varied and dynamic facets of themselves with the support and encouragement of others. I want to ensure that everyone who wants to make a genuine investment in their actualization has the support of others to do so as bravely as they can and has access to high-quality, peer-reviewed resources that can help them along the way. 

My mission is to build a community that becomes a microcosm and catalyst of a broader actualization culture that helps people globally live authentically and to their potential. 

My own actualization and leadership journey helped me learn what it takes to be a good ally and how to support others in relationships with healthy, enthusiastic, and informed consent. And for the last two decades, I've been helping organizations, groups, and individuals through critical and existential transformations, helping many make leaps in their impact on the world, so I know a thing or two about complex change. 

But I can't do this alone. I need your support. Our small community needs your support. Come join us at this formative stage where you can make a profound difference to each other and set up the community for success.


Kraig Headshot

The Integrators Community



Go from feeling alone to part of a community so you can get peer validation without worrying about trolls 

Never feel alone again on your actualization journey. By joining our community, you'll find we only accept other people ready to engage on the toughest topics and stay accountable to each other. 

Kraig Headshot


Overcome self-doubt and increase your confidence in reaching your potential

Attend our weekly drop-in hours, or make a post or start a chat any time of day to get support from Kraig on your most complex challenges. 

Thao Lee Practice


Stop wondering and start building your flywheel to accelerate your actualization

Get access to a growing library of community-developed courses, overviews, resources, and more. Discover the variety of ways that people actualize and create the momentum you need to live authentically and reach your potential.



No more looking from the outside in—practice and become part of the change 

Join our multitude of virtual and in-person events and experiences including drop-in hours, meet-and-greets, topic-based discussions, workshops, forums, community-building sessions, and more while building strong connections and forming new friendships. 

Craft from Unsplash


Remove friction from your actualization flywheel to spin it faster

You don't have to DIY all the things to speed up your actualization flywheel. Discover and use solutions from our community of Integrator makers, who love to build and customize things that help people reach their potential.  


Authentic connections

Expanded worldview

Peer support

Expert advice

Diverse perspectives

Brave spaces

Periodic check-ins

Dedication to individual and collective actualization

Shared interests 

Increased meaning

Testimonials from Integrators feeling connected and brave 

mid to late20s man with glasses

It feels great knowing that I have all these people I can turn to and be vulnerable with because we're all on the same journey.



Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries and Consonantia, live the blind texts. It was a great experience working with Focus theme.

Cole Sullivan


It was a great experience working with Focus theme. We highly recommend it! Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia.

Margaret Fitch, Acme

The Integrators Community

CleanShot 2024-04-17 at 17.26.11


Go from feeling alone to part of a community so you can get peer validation without worrying about trolls 

  • Vetted membership
  • Diverse representation
  • Shared values
  • Facilitated and community-driven programming
Kraig Headshot


Overcome self-doubt and increase your confidence in reaching your potential

  • Compassionate care
  • Easy to reach and engage
  • Commitment to every member's success
  • Tailored engagement
Thao Lee Practice


Stop wondering and start building your flywheel to accelerate your actualization

  • Diverse perspectives with a focus on inclusion, equity, and justice for all
  • Rich content
  • High relevance
  • Broader and deeper perspective


No more looking from the outside in—practice and become part of the change 

  • No pressure
  • High engagement
  • Balance of theory, practice, and synthesis
  • Participatory decision-making
Craft from Unsplash


Remove friction from your actualization flywheel to spin it faster

  • Diverse support
  • Ready-made tools
  • Community supported

Annual Membership Full Price: $516

Current Special Offer: FREE

Save $516 on your first year of membership. Get 50% off to save $258 on the next year.

You'll also receive the bonus below...

Free Bonus


Meta-Integrators Community Access

Use your voice to shape Integral Productivity

  • Early access to emerging insights and perspectives before the public sees
  • Product/service previews and alpha and/or beta access
  • Priority support for product and service feedback and requests

Apply now to receive...

CleanShot 2024-04-17 at 17.26.11

You'll access all of this once approved:

  • Community 
  • Coaching
  • Learning
  • Events
  • Solutions
  • Bonus: Meta-Integrators Membership

Annual Membership Full Price: $516

Current Special Offer: FREE

Save $516 for one year when your membership starts. Get 50% off and save $258 on the next year.


Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. She packed her seven versalia, put her initial int belt and made herself on the way her home. Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Spend a full 30 days in our community and if you're not 100% satisfied for any reason, we'll issue a full refund.

This offer is for you if...

You're tired of feeling alone on your journey

You're still wondering what other people do to live a fulfilling life

You seek connection with other people on their actualization journey

You want to go deeper than any public or unmoderated forum would do

You want to geek out with about actualization, personal development, productivity, automation, and more

You love being surrounded by more post-conventional leadership types or aspire to become one yourself

You want to celebrate your and other's actualization without judgement

"Is this right for me?"

Hi again...

Are you still concerned that a community focused on actualization is not right for you?

  • Not sure if it's relevant to you? If you're in my orbit, you're someone who takes their personal development seriously, values diverse perspectives, and will find something new that'll help boost your actualization.
  • Have you not participated in a community facilitated predominantly online? That's OK; we've got you covered with onboarding and wellness checks to see how our members are doing.
  • Don't have much time in your life to engage? Have Zoom fatigue? There are no minimum expectations for engagement other than honoring the Community Guidelines and the tenets of the Actualization Code
  • Worried about member behavior? In addition to our Community Guidelines, we take our incident reporting and accountability process seriously to help resolve issues and repair relationships whenever possible.
  • Are you worried you might not have something to offer? I'm confident that I can identify one or more gifts that you can bring to the community.   

My mission is to build a community that becomes a microcosm and catalyst of a broader actualization culture, helping people globally live authentically and to their potential. Being able to offer this FREE for the first year is my gift to you, and you will undoubtedly get support and learning in a way you haven't experienced before.   

Building this community is a key part of my actualization journey, too. Your support for the community is support for me.  

You know how important it is to me to help people learn and grow. But I still need your help to create a space for more people to find and call home throughout their journey. 

Join me in the community, and we'll continue to make ambitious, transformational things happen together.


Kraig Headshot

Some Quick Answers

What's an edge-of-culture community?

An edge-of-culture community is a group of people who experience life in a way that's different from what may be considered mainstream culture. These communities have a unique culture, language, or way of life that makes them special. Despite facing challenges like limited resources and services, social stigmatization, or economic hardship, they have a strong sense of identity and connection to their spaces and history. They are friendly and welcoming, and they love to share their traditions and stories with others.

We consider the Integrators Community an edge-of-culture community, in part because of how rarely people tend to focus on their actualization and how few post-conventional leaders but also for how many other edge-of-culture communities (e.g. neurodivergent and LGBTQIA folks) have shared goals.

What happens after the first year of free access is over?

We'll take care of our Founding Members. We value your contributions and presence, especially in these early days. Assuming you'd like to keep being part of the Integrators Community, you'll receive major discounts between 50% and 75% off membership renewals to help us cover costs.

Your membership in the Meta-Integrators Community will not be affected.

What kind of spaces do we have?

We run the gamut of options! These include: 

  • Threaded posts where members engage in a more long-form style of discussion
  • Chat rooms where members can talk about topics more casually and at a faster pace
  • Event spaces where we host virtual drop-ins, meet-and-greets, webinars, and more
  • Courses where members can learn larger, more complicated topics in a more structured format

Apply now to receive...

CleanShot 2024-04-17 at 17.26.11

You'll access all of this once approved:

  • Community 
  • Coaching
  • Learning
  • Events
  • Solutions
  • Bonus: Meta-Integrators Membership

Annual Membership Full Price: $516

Current Special Offer Price...


Save $516 for one year when your membership starts. Get 50% off and save $258 on the next year.